1-800-219-9019 | Sending messages the “Old Fashioned” way!

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Scroll Roll Ups

​Our "Scroll Roll Ups" are not only cute, but they are unique in that they roll up around one dowel and secured with a jump ring that slides off to the side towards the finials - and does not come off!  They are for a quick open and close without using a ribbon making them convenient to use for weddings, parties, mission statements, or just a cute way to send a greeting to your friends.  Charms can be added to match the sentiment.  Try using them for a treasure hunt!  These scrolls can be used in our "Messages in a Bottle" product line.  


Scroll Roll Ups Categories

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These little scroll roll ups are a cute little idea for those young ones that love Dinosaurs!  ..
Candy Cane Story Roll Up
The "Candy Cane Story"Scroll Roll Up is perfect for every child's stocking.  They will lov..
2 1/2 x 4 Blank LOVE Scroll Roll-Up
A little scroll that is perfect for inviting your loved one to a special dinner or event. Comes with..
Jelly Bean Prayer Scroll Roll Up
Our "Jelly Bean Payer" Scroll Roll Up makes a great addition to every Easter basket!!..


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